Our two production saws can precision cut up to 24" diameter pipe with a tolerance up to 1/8".
For your larger diameter pipe we offer mechanical torch-cutting with tolerances up to 1/8". With our precision torch operators, you won't be able to tell the difference between our torch-cuts and most saw-cuts.
Our oven can burn-off and clean fusion bond epoxy from up to 1300' of pipe per day.
Our machine bevellers and miters saws can get you the custom ends you need with quick precision.
Our surface prep abilities range from simple abrasive blasting to production wheelabration.
Let our mid-welding line splice your next project to exact lengths.
Keep your pipe looking good with any of our custom pipe coatings; Coal, Tar, Fusion Bond Epoxy, Lacquer, Custom Paint, Primer, and Tape Wrap.
With our network of over-the-road freight carriers, exclusive rail-siding, and barge access, we can offer prompt and expedited just-in-time delivery of your tubular goods